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The empire of Alexander The Great absorbs Judea exactly one-thousand years after the Exodus from Egypt. The Oral Torah records a law suit that was brought before Alexander by the Egyptians against the Jews. The Written Torah states that as the Jews leave Egypt, G-d instructs them to borrow valuables from their Egyptian neighbors. Once penniless slaves, they now leave Egypt with great wealth.
With this as their basis, the Egyptians bring a claim before Alexander against the Jewish people and demand that the borrowed property be finally returned.
A simple person volunteers to represent the Jewish people. In the Emperors court he asks the Egyptians whether they ever paid the Jewish people for their labor during the period of servitude. Alexanders accountants calculate that the money owed to the Jews far exceeds the amount that the Egyptians are claiming.
The Egyptians ask the Emperor for time to prepare their response. He grants it. They disappear.
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